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Capital Conquest 2020 online
2020-11-03 18:52
Hello my friend

Here is the registration link for Capital Conquest 2020 (online PKCC Talk Show), the Best Memories of passed Capital Conquest. Scheduled for Sunday November 22nd at 1:00 pm EST Ottawa or 7:00 pm Paris time with approx 30 instructors from 20+ countries. 

Ask your students and friends to register asap at the link below, as we get close to show time they will receive a link for the show and if they connect 10-15 minutes before it will be perfect.....and it’s FREE. 

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me......our goal is to have 1,000 people on the PKCC TALK SHOW....I’m counting on all speakers to reach and have a minimum of 50 listeners/students participating on this show. Let’s keep the martial arts spirit alive, show hope and a light at the end of the tunnel for all martial artists and school owners.

During these tough and challenging times we need to have a feel good moment, this is a great one, let’s make this a huge success and help our martial arts community.  

Thank you for your help and contribution.....Hanshi John Therien Hanshi Alain Sailly 

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